Struggling with managing Negative emotions? Here is the solution!
We all seek a happy life, don’t we? But can all days be the same for us? No, right? We often go through ups and downs in our life. Sometimes we flow with the vicious cycle of negative thoughts. Sometimes it even becomes difficult to control it. I am here to help you with the ways which allowed me to bring out from the negative chain of thoughts. This Article explores healthy ways of dealing with negative emotions.
· First, you need to observe your feelings, and how exactly your current feeling is!
You can do this by sitting in a meditative posture or by just lying/sitting on the bed/your favorite place, where no one will be there except you. Just try to observe how you are feeling NOW. No past, No future. Just observe the current feelings. Yes, I know it’s a little bit difficult to bring your mind to the present and to observe your emotions. But with practice it becomes easy. Your feelings may be frustration, anger, hate, jealousy, helplessness, hopelessness, directionless, or a mixture of all. But as soon as you start to bring your mind to the present, will help you to reduce over-bursting negative emotions. And help you to manage your emotions in a better way. Soon you will realize that what happened to you was only 1% but what you were thinking negatively was 99%. So funny or unbelievable right? But yes this is the reality.
· Sit alone and take pen and paper and start journalling your feelings. Think of good qualities that you have and be grateful for them.
When you start journalling your emotions, you will get more clarity on what kind of thoughts are going in your mind. This will help you to think deeply about those thoughts. You will also get that these thoughts are in reality or created by you. This will also help you to understand the pattern of your thoughts. Because by journalling you are keeping records of your thoughts. You will understand patterns like how often you are going through such negative emotions, feeling low or energized. As you become more aware of the pattern of your thoughts, you can take steps to manage it in a better way. Make a habit of feeling gratitude about the things you have and journal them, it will help you to boost your energy level.
· Talk to your close friends and your family members who can understand you. Share with them how exactly you are feeling now.
This is another way to come out from a chain of negative thoughts. Your close friend can suggest a way or they share their experience which will make you feel better. Family members are the most important pillar to help you handle your emotions. Especially your mother or the person who is very close to you in your family. Sometimes only their presence also makes you feel better. So try to spend some time with such people when you are going through negative emotions.
· Self-Love: Ask yourself:- why am I seeking love from the outer world? Am I not enough for me? Am I not important to me?
In today’s world due to the nuclear family, it is becoming common to feel loneliness and selfishness. Everyone is trying to seek love and importance from the outer world. Rather what is needed is to observe your inner self and understand it. The need is to satisfy yourself and live life for yourself and not for others. You can change yourself for others up to a certain extent only and that too with frustration. If others are not fulfilling your wishes or not behaving according to you, you will get angry. So what is necessary to behave according to others? Be yourself, love yourself, and live life the way you want. But yes keeping in mind that not harming anyone intentionally. Reward yourself even after small achievements. Start to instill the concept of Self Love.
· Self-Improvement: Kaizen… what does it mean? In Japanese it means continuous improvement.
Try to make yourself the best version of yourself by taking small steps every day. Such as reading 2–3 pages a day or investing daily 10 minutes in reading. Reading books will help you make a person better than yesterday and also help to add knowledge as a supplement to your existing knowledge. This will also realize the true meaning of life, and the existence of an individual and help you to manage your emotions. You can invest daily 15–20 minutes in learning new skills such as learning to cook food, learning English or any other foreign language, etc. This will give you good results after a year or even before that if maintained consistency.
I am listing a few of the books here: Atomic Habits, The Power of Now, Many Lives, Many Masters, Mindset, Master your Emotions etc.
Hope you will find these books interesting and will help you improve your habits and understand yourself in a better way!
· Do the things which you like:
When you engage yourself in the things which you like, you will forget the sufferings through which you were going and you will feel happy in doing. So, if you like to listen to music then listen to it, if you want to eat your favorite dish you can. Either you can prepare by yourself and enjoy the process or you can order. Just feel the taste and enjoy it. If you like to dance, then dance. If you want to cry then cry. It sounds stupid, right? But yes, this is one of the effective ways to vent out your negative emotions and make yourself calm and peaceful.
I hope this article provided you an insight into managing your emotions in a better way! Thank you!